These activities were designed to help middle school students understand phenology and how it relates to plant and animal life cycles. 

Phenology Bingo

Grades: 6-8

This activity increases science literacy by teaching about life-cycle events, encouraging students to recall experiences outdoors, and spend more time observing things they may note yet have experienced.

Indoor or Outdoor activity; 20-40 minutes 

Flight of the Pollinators 

Grades: 6-8

This activity is designed to help students experience the importance of plant phenology from a pollinator's perspective. Participants learn why pollinators visit flowers, and what color, shape, and size of flowers their pollinator prefers to visit. 

Indoor or Outdoor activity; 60 minutes 

Life of Corn

Grades: 6-8

This activity can be used as an introduction to the concept of phenology. The Life of Corn highlights the importance of the developmental life-cycle, something which all organisms experience in a predictable manner.

Indoor activity; 15 minutes